Help With Hunger by DONATING just 8 US$ a month

Happy Bar Nutrition Inc. (est. 2016) is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation
Our Mission
Happy Bar Nutrition’s mission is to feed children in under-privileged societies to give them an equitable chance at life.
Your gifts to help feed an undernourished child will make a huge and positive difference. Private donors cover our operating costs so 100% of your donation goes to the production of Happy Bars – an all-natural protein energy bar. Each Happy Bar costs US 25 cents and delivers >5g of protein per serving, important vitamins and other nutrition.

Since 2016
protein energy bars donated to date
target for 2024
Year 2023

protein energy bars donated
children supported
volunteer staff
of funds goes to production of Happy Bars
paid staff
Our Vision
Nutrition for All
A world of communities with no
undernourished children.

Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life
Take the first step by watching these videos

Support The Cause
We produce tasty, healthy snack bars for impoverished children. Current donations are helping feed children in 1 leprosy program, 4 HIV/AIDS orphanages, 10 schools for the disadvantaged, 11 cancer and special needs wards for children, and several preschool – kindergarten child care programs for the underprivileged.
The Happy Bar: One Happy Bar delivers the same amount of protein as one egg to a child and, perhaps greater yet, a feeling of love, and love makes you happy. Because many of these children have never received a gift, we wrap each bar with love and deliver a smile through our bubbly ostrich friend, Boing. It’s more than a bar. Brain power creates a future.
Our Causes

What We Do
Since 2016, our mission has remained unchanged and unwavering.
We strongly believe in the value and importance of protein in the diet of children including those who are sick.
We have seen remarkable results and only wish we could do more.
Children with cancer
Children with HIV
Children with other severe illnesses
abandoned children
children in slums
Be The Hero In A Child’s Life!
US$ 94 provides a child with an energy bar every day for a whole year